
Gorse Flower Jelly Cups
These Gorse Flower Jelly Cups which complement the delicate sweet coconut vanilla flavour of the flowers are made with Gorse Flower Cordial

Wild Edible Weeds Spread Recipe
This wild edible weeds spread is the absolute best! This thick and creamy spread is perfect smothered on toast, crackers...

Wild Waldolf Salad
This wild Waldolf inspired salad is making the most of my gardens abundance of apples, grapes, celery, lettuce, wax begonia and fuchsias...

Wisteria Fizzy Drink
The girls and I made this delicious taste of the springtime fizzy drink with our abundant wisteria fence. The flavour is slightly...

Onion Weed Recipe
Cooking with onion weed is the highlight of spring in The Veggie Tree kitchen, we literally have it every day in some form or other, it...

Edible Onion Weed Info and Recipes
A pest and invasive weed too many this is my favourite edible ‘weed’. At the moment onion weed has turned the damp banks of our garden...

Watercress Salad
I am a big fan of salads in winter, when the dark green leafy veggies are at their juiciest. In this Watercress Salad, I’ve paired the...

Best Vegan Parmesan
Savoury, salty, creamy and packed with nutrition this hemp parmesan it is the perfect topper for everything

Edible Weeds Infusion
This has got to be the easiest immune boosting health promoting power infusion there is! It utilises probably the most misunderstood...

Edible Weeds Recipe
This zesty flavourful recipe for Weedolata is an edible weed version of Gremolata, which is a condiment traditionally from Italy. This...

Wild Greens Recipe
Nasturtium and nipplewort which are very common wild greens, abundant and lush in the early springtime are easy to identify and are they...

Salted Lemons and Limes Recipe
Do you have an abundance of citrus at the moment? I always get a bunch of lemons and limes salted up in jars at this time of the year for...

Lockdown Plant based Gluten free Pancakes
Just in case you missed it team, here is my go to pancake recipe which can be made plant based and/or gluten-free, because you know I...

Edible Weeds Recipes
It's edible weeds Wednesday and this recipe for Green Goddess Dip is a delicious nutritious dip or a healthy alternative to mayo. It is...

Seaweed Snacks Recipe
These are the perfect snack! Making your own Roasted Seaweed Snacks is fun easy and a great way to save on a fair bit of plastic...