Edible Weeds Recipes
It's edible weeds Wednesday and this recipe for Green Goddess Dip is a delicious nutritious dip or a healthy alternative to mayo. It is...
Seaweed Snacks Recipe
These are the perfect snack! Making your own Roasted Seaweed Snacks is fun easy and a great way to save on a fair bit of plastic...
Winter Salad Recipe
This Winter Fennel & Radicchio Salad is simple to make, crispy and refreshing. Radicchio is a beautiful red and white leafy veg, like a...
Fermented Chilli Sauce Recipe
This sauce is totally addictive and you will want to have it on everything! Fermented Chilli Sauce is full of probiotics because of the...
Purslane Recipe
I created a delicious Purslane Recipe for my Middle Eastern Mezze class a couple of weeks back which is perfect for this time of year with t
Zucchini Cheesecake Recipe, Savoury, Vegan and Gluten free
This Zucchini (courgette) Cheesecake Recipe is savoury, vegan and gluten-free! It is the perfect alternative to a quiche and is a great...
The Best Healthy Muffin Recipe
This muffin recipe is the best because it can be made vegan, gluten-free, sweet or savoury and they are refined sugar free too. The...
Onion Weed, Kawakawa and Kelp Super Salt
This nutrient dense super salt so delicious and nutritious you'll want to put it on everything! Onion Weed A pest and invasive weed to...
Cooking with Onion Weed
Cooking with onion weed is the highlight of spring in The Veggie Tree kitchen, we literally have it every day in some form or other
Onion Weed NZ Recipe
It's that time of year again for onion weed in NZ and to follow is a delicious recipe for you to try that makes the most of this fabulous...
Easy Vegan Tempeh Nuggets Recipe
I am super excited to share my first cooking video!!!
This quick recipe for easy vegan (and gluten-free) Tempeh Nuggets is family friendly,
Edible Weeds Pesto Recipe
One of the most simple recipes for using your wild edible weed foraging’s is pesto. Versatile, tasty and this version boasts extra health
Vegan Mushroom Pate Recipe
Mr Veggie Tree came home the other day with a big box of field mushrooms a colleague had foraged so naturally I made my delicious vegan...
Vegan ANZAC Biscuit Recipe
ANZAC day is going to be quite different this year and this recipe for ANZAC biscuits is a little different to usual also
Quick Vegan Lockdown Recipe
This quick vegan lockdown recipe is the perfect family friendly dinner without to many dishes to wash up at the end! Roasted Veggies with...