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Women's Health Workshop | Sunday 8th June 1-5pm

Women's Health Workshop | Sunday 8th June 1-5pm


Supporting ourselves during our monthly cycle by eating with our seasons/phases of our period is super important, and as we transition through peri-menopause and menopause we can make life a lot easier for ourselves and can seriously make a difference to unwanted negative effects of our changing hormones, whether it be menstrual or menopausal. There is a plethora of plants out there to help us along the way, we can draw from ancient herbal knowledge and the most recent nutritional information to support these phases of our lives so we don't have to dread them. So lets nourish ourselves and help each other to feel good in our glorious bodies by embracing what mother nature has provided us and utilising these gifts, some of which are growing right under our feet | In this workshop we will learn what foods support us during this time, with some tasty recipes we will make and eat together, supportive herbal teas and tonics depending on where we are in our lives, learn and make some herbal remedies, a nourishing body/tummy rub depending on where you are at and a personalised essential oil blend to take home with you along with an in-depth dive into the workings of our female bodies so we can better understand how to support ourselves | $90 per person includes food and drink, recipe and information file

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    A full refund will be given up to one week before scheduled event

These recipes are what I cook for my family daily. 

I hope they will inspire and help you to create healthy and nutritious meal times.

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